Differences 阳炎引擎与BSE的区别


KagerouEngine is built to mimic BilibiliScriptingEngine (BSE) however there are many considerations when it comes to implementing ECMA scripting enviroments in the browser. For example, scripts that are run on the page's context are able to snatch cookies, mimic user actions or modify page elements. As such, KagerouEngine is desinged to be run inside a Web Worker sandbox that can only indirectly communicate with the Host page.

This has given rise to a few limitations in supporting the BSE API.

Sandbox Limitations

A worker sandbox is not perfect. Scripts running inside still have access to the potentially dangerous XMLHttpRequest API. To limit scripts' access to your own domain, you can choose to host the worker files on a separate subdomain or domain since the Same Origin Policy is still in effect for workers. This, however, does not prevent the Script from sending out data to a server controlled by a third party. The Script within the worker context only has as much data as you feed it through the OOAPI. So it is possible to control data leakage too.

Compatibility Issues

Due to the CCLScripting Engine using only the messaging API. We cannot reliably ask for synchronous state information and expect a prompt reply. This means that we must use cached information at times.

Whenever we resort to using cached information due to a synchronous API, we will try to compensate the diffence in cache if possible. For example, within the Player api, there are many properties that show information about the player's state. Most of these fields are cached. As a specific example, Player.time is updated whenver a timeupdate is issued into the sandbox. Between the two issued timeupdates, requesting for Player.time will return you the previous timestamp plus the difference in time between when you recieved it and the current time.

This may cause the time to slightly decrease as timeupdates are recieved.

Similarly, the broadcast event enterFrame is also completely virtual as it is not efficient enough to send drawing state into the sandbox at high frequencies. More details on these compatibility problems are described in the corresponding API docs.